A book published by the Emigratie Commissie van het Nederlandse Vrouwen Comité (Emigration Committee of the Dutch Women’s Committee) features writings by emigrant women who share their experiences from afar. The book, titled “Ons tweede huis: Emigrantenvrouwen schrijven van verre” (Our Second Home: Emigrant Women Writing from Afar), was released in 1960.

The Emigratie Commissie was a committee focused on supporting and providing resources for Dutch women who were considering or had already emigrated to other countries. The committee aimed to address the unique challenges and opportunities that women faced in the emigration process.

“Ons tweede huis” is a collection of essays and letters written by Dutch women who had emigrated to other countries. The essays and letters cover a wide range of topics, including the challenges and joys of living in a new country, the cultural differences between the Netherlands and the host country, and the emotional aspects of leaving one’s homeland.

One of the essays in the book is written by a woman who emigrated to Australia with her husband and two young children. She writes about the challenges of adjusting to a new country, including the language barrier, the different climate, and the unfamiliar culture. She also writes about the joys of finding a new home and making new friends.

Another essay is written by a woman who emigrated to the United States with her husband. She writes about the challenges of finding a job and a place to live, and the loneliness of being away from her family and friends. She also writes about the joys of finding a new community and making new friends.

The book provides a unique and personal perspective on the challenges and joys of living in a new country. It is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Dutch migration experience.

The book is 128 pages long and is written in Dutch. It has been praised by critics for its honest and insightful portrayal of the Dutch migration experience.

See also: Dutch immigration to Australia, history, stats and other resources