The Erasmus Foundation is a Dutch Australian cultural society which was established in 1965 in Melbourne, Australia. The aims of the Society are to be a link with the Dutch culture for people with a Dutch background or connection who live in Victoria and to acquaint others with that culture. We promote an understanding and friendship between the two countries.
They offer members and guests a wide range of activities, such as talks by guest speakers, literary, film and musical events, exhibitions and more. The Erasmus Foundation is the Dutch cultural institute in Victoria.
The link below leads to an extensive historic overview of the Foundation. The following is a brief summary of the archived paper and electronic records. Initially the paper records were culled to manageable proportions by only keeping those that had an impact on the Foundation. The latter include: committee members, event details, changes of venue, subsidies and grants. The history is divided into 6 parts:
• General History
• Erasmus Awards
• Exhibitions organised
• Films screened
• Books published
• Dutch TV
Full details of events and committees are covered under their website’s history top menu.
Erasmus Foundation Committee Members since 1967.