Dutch TV is a weekly television program on community TV Channel 31 in Melbourne and Geelong (Australia) and Foxtel Aurora. (Australia wide) They have been broadcasting for 6 years.
The program is about Dutch people living in Australia and is presented mostly in Dutch with English subtitles so that we can connect to everyone who has a link with the Netherlands.
The following is a selection from Dutch TV available on YouTube.
Kings Day Message Consul General Frank van Beuningen
Yoga in het Nederlands vanuit Australie
Een reis met de BCQ 40 Dutch TV S12E04 YT
Tweetalig opvoeden + Gardenworld Dutch TV S13E04 YT
Nederlands Paspoort? + Migration camp in Sydney Dutch TV S13E03 YT
Retirement village + Lex de Man + Gardenworld Dutch TV S13E01
Dutch TV – Volvo Ocean Race, Eendje, Inside plants and Shade of Red
Dutch TV – Wereldvrouwen Part 2 and much more
Dutch TV – Wereldvrouwen Part 1 – Eendje – Volvo Ocean Race Part 1
A family story about the holocaust
Holland Festival at the Dutchtv stand
Carole gaat op bezoek bij Thijs van Leer – bijzondere ontmoeting
Rachel and Laurens relocation , part 2
Nuss Rachel and Laurens relocation
Renewing my Dutch pasport in Sydney – How do you do that
Dutch TV episode 1, new season Adventures in the world
Dutch Aboriginal Connection in WA
In the studio: Carole talks with 2 people of Tallship Victoria
Becoming a mother in Melbourne – Brighton
Becoming a mum in Melbourne -Altona
Becoming a mum in Melbourne – Prahran , Watblief, Ted X
Backpackers , Watblief met Madelief and TedX
Steve Backshall interviewed by Dutch kids and Ted X Amsterdam
Dutch kids meet their icon John van ‘t Schip, Melbourne City soccer coach.
Top Chef Rob Kabboord who earned his stripes in Australia and much more
Dialect / Accent in The Netherlands
Nieuwjaarsduik Sydney, Aboriginal museum, Ted X(Dutch TV S09E02 YT)
Channah, sing and songwriter in Australia(Dutch TV S09E01)
The wreckage of the Dutch ship – Gilt Dragon (Dutchtv)
For love to Australia (Dutch TV)
Positive moments with Janne Willems and Richard (Dutch TV S07E07)
Cycling in Australia (Dutch TV S07E03)
How Dutch are we? (Dutch TV S07E02)
Dutch community organisers (Dutch TV S07E01)
Consulate general, Cosijn about trade in Australia
Trailer documentary: Was there contact between Dutch sailors and Aboriginal people in WA
Royal Concert Gebouw Orchestra in Australia
Dutch TV Immigrant Child Therese Timmermans
A trip back to Bonegilla (Dutch TV)
Dutch TV Immigrant Child Brian Clarke
Dutch TV Backpackers Tina – Dutch TV
Dutch TV Backpackers Jana and Anton
Dutch TV Immigrant Child Lex de Man
Dutch TV Immigrant Child Dominique Hes
Dutch TV Immigrant Children Maza Sisters
Dutch TV – with the executive director of museums in Fremantle – Ian Mac Leod
Dutch TV Immigrant Child Avianca
Dutch TV Immigrant Child John Koenders
David Hale Dutch Immigrant Child
60 jaar in Australie, voor wie ben je dan?
Dutch TV – The Climbing Dutchman
DutchTVS05E06: Fashion, Solar team,backpackers visa
Dutch TV S05E05: Dutchies visit the Dingo farm
Dutch TV S05E04: A Dutch possum man and much more
Tallships in Melbourne and much more (Dutch TV S05E02:)
Dutch TV S05E01: The Sea Shepherd in Melbourne and much more
Bridget McDonnell – Nick Botting, A Painter’s View
Netherlands Dance Theater in Melbourne and more (Dutch TV S04E13)
Kings Day activities in Melbourne (Dutch TV S04E12)
How does a Dutchie sees Melbourne when he just arrived ?(Dutch TV S04E11)
Dutch way of thinking (Dutch TV S04E10)
Dutch windmill in Australia (Dutch TV S04E09)
What are the Dutch missing in Melbourne ?(Dutch TV S04E08)
Dutch ideas in business (Dutch TV S04E05)
Vegemite compares to Hagelslag (Dutch TV S04E06)
Huzaren Salade and emigration to Australia (Dutch TV S04E04)
Dutch Hockey team at NCCA (Dutch TV S04E03)
Homesickness (Dutch TV S04E02)
Dutch Australian Heritage Clip
Sinterklaas in Melbourne 2013 (Dutch TV S03E13)
How to learn Dutch in Melbourne (Dutch TV S03E07a)
Cheese making with Blue Bay Cheese (Dutch TV S03E12)
VOC ship The Duyfken (Dutch TV S03E11)
Dutch entrepeneurs (Dutch TV S03E10)
Carnaval in Melbourne and Dutch Orange Day (Dutch TV S03E09)
Dutch speaking people in MSO (Dutch TV S03E08)
Dutch people working in the Zoo in Melbourne (Dutch TV S03E03)
an insight at iconic Puffing Billy from in immigrant child (Dutch TV S03E02)
Cooking Dutch dishes and talking life questions. ( Dutch TV S03E01)
Dutch Australian Artists in the picture about living in Australia
John van ‘t Schip about soccer in Melbourne before he went to Mexico (Dutch TV S02E11)
A beautiful cross cultural story with two Aboriginal sisters with Dutch mum(Dutch TV S02E13)
During the process of making a boat Arthur tells his story (Dutch TV S02E12)
Learning Dutch in Melbourne (Dutch TV S02E09)
Holland Festival, and Oranje feest (Dutch TV S02E08)
Dominique Hes shows us Dutch thought architecture in Melbourne (Dutch TV )S02E07
Saskia and Kyra cooking Andijvie stamppot and tell their story (Dutch TV S02E06)
An interview with a dancer of Netherlands Dance theater (Dutch TV S02E05)
Een interview met de Wereldomroep interviewer (Dutch TV S02E03)
A Frisian girl in Melbourne in Frisian language (Dutch TV S02E02)
Mirjam Bakes an Appeltaart and tells her story living in Australia (Dutch TV S02E01)