Nhanda is an Aboriginal language of Western Australia, once spoken along the coastal strip from possibly as far south as Hill River north through to Champion Bay and the mouth of the Murchison, up to country just south of Shark Bay. There has been very little work on Nhanda until recent years. Thanks to grants from the Institute and the willingness of the Nhanda people, I have been able to study the Nhanda language and learn much about its structure, history, and possible relationships to other Australian Aboriginal languages.
Source: A Dutch influence on Nhanda? Wanyjidaga innga!
This is a comment from Juliette Blevins (1998)
There is no influence on Nhanda from the Dutch language, despite the assertions of some scholars. Nhanda is spoken by Aborigines in Western Australia, but was not altered by the appearance of shipwrecked Dutch sailors in that region from the late 16th century. Nhanda is unique among Aboriginal tongues, but not because it uses Dutch sounds or words.
This is the reply from Rupert Gerritsen