These pictures are all from the Evert Herman van Hummel collection. He was a flight engineer from 1938 till approx. 1970. Unfortunately most photographs don’t have any accompanying information.
This first section is most likely from his early period in the 1930 and early 1940s.

During WWII he was stationed with the Royal Dutch Navy, who operated with flying planes from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to the Netherlands East Indies. This brought him also to Australia. In 1945 he survived a crash with a Catalina in Dutch New Guinea.

Postcards from Evert Herman’s collection.

The following pictures are from his early period after WWII , when he started flying for KLM.

Veel groeten van Evert Herman

These are other pictures and postcards from his collection.

In 2000 he visited the Queensland Air Museum in Caloundra where the DC3 The Wielewaal has been preserved. Evert Herman was part of the very interesting history of this plane.

The DACC is very interesting in people who can assist with identifying photos and the events, places and people that are in it. Below are two intriguing photos we hope to get more clarification on.
The first one below is labelled as the first flight from the Nederlands to NEI. It names the Postduif ( PH 803) as the aircraft and also the name Hendrik van Weerden Poelmans. It looks however that the picture relates to the first test flight to the Oost (East) which took place in 1924 with a one-engine Fokker F-VII airplane with Lieutenant Hendrik van Weerden Poelmans as Copilot. The flight with the Postduif took place in 1928. Evert mentioned that the plane had motor problems in Allahabad. However, the plane had problems in Philippopel (nu Plovdiv) in Bulgarije and it took a month to repair. Evert mentions that it was BWR ??? who fixed the problem and that the person on the right is Koos Roos a flatmate of him in Amsterdam. There are obviously some questions about the accuracy of this data and any further information is very welcome.

The picture below is another interesting foto from Evert’s collection with some possible clarifications.

Seated second from the right is SMI vl J.J. Buwalda. He was apparently an instructor of this group. Unfortunately no one else can be identified. The aircraft is a Fokker C.5. (info Dr Peter Boer) . It is possible that Evert Herman is 5th from the right top row (family info).
This photo collection has been donated to the Dutch Australian Cultural Centre for safekeeping and are available for research.