In 1995 the Dutch Australian Cultural Centre organised a 50 year liberation in the Dutch East Indies commemoration at their premises in the Abel Tasman Village (ATV) at Chester Hill.

Several weeks later the DAW published a double page spread review of several commemorations around the country including the one at ATV.

Two women were mentioned in the programme. Martje Schutte playing the piano and Vera Harms-Rado doing a sceth.

Eef ten Brummelaar, herself a survival of the Japanese concentration camps in her ‘Brummel’s Babbel’ in the DAW provided a review page of a performance of the “Shoe-Horn Sonata’ a play by John Misto at the ‘Ensemble Theatre’. Vera Harms-Rado was very much involved in the creation of this play.

A photograph also from the DAW from another occasion is attached.
The sketch about her experiences in a Japanese prison camp as well as a general life story are also attached.
Vera died late last year and left some personal effects to the DACC. I also include her funeral leaflet.