This year, 2025, marks the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, a momentous milestone in Australia’s history and the conclusion of the war in the Pacific. Brisbane played a pivotal role as a strategic hub for Allied operations, cementing its place in global wartime history.

The Camp Columbia Heritage Association, in collaboration with over 20 partner organisations, has made significant progress in its initiatives to commemorate this anniversary. Key components include an international symposium, guided bus and walking tours, and pop-up exhibitions hosted by supporting organisations across Brisbane throughout the year.

Symposium objectives:

  1. Commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of WWII in the Pacific.
  2. Highlight Brisbane’s vital contributions to Allied forces.
  3. Explore the interconnected wartime histories of Australia, the United States, the Netherlands, and Britain.
  4. Examine post-war legacies, including Camp Columbia’s role in Indonesia’s transition to independence.
  5. Share personal stories to deepen public understanding of this critical historical period.

Symposium updates:

Planning for the international symposium, scheduled around 12–15 September 2025, is advancing well. Combining academic discussions with community engagement, the event will feature a hybrid format to enable participation from global audiences in Australia, the USA, the Netherlands, and Indonesia. The main event will be hosted by Griffith University and other venues around town are also under consideration.

The scope of the symposium, including keynote speakers, panel discussions, and interactive activities, will depend on the level of funding secured. Immersive tours and exhibitions will complement the symposium, bringing Brisbane’s WWII history to life.

Proposed themes:

  • Brisbane as a strategic hub in WWII:
    Presentations and tours will showcase the city’s critical role in Allied operations, including Camp Columbia and General MacArthur’s headquarters.
  • Allied cooperation – lessons for today:
    Discussions will draw parallels between WWII’s international collaboration and contemporary global challenges.
  • Societal resilience in times of turmoil:
    Panels will explore connections between wartime challenges and modern issues, such as misinformation and technological disruption.

Broader developments:

Stakeholder collaboration:
Strong partnerships with universities, embassies, and cultural organisations are laying a solid foundation for the symposium. Broader community input is helping shape the event’s scope and resources.

Tours and community engagement:
Guided tours of Brisbane’s historical WWII sites will provide educational experiences and foster local and international community involvement.

Planning and funding:
The planning committee is finalising its members, prioritising expertise from academia, heritage organisations, and community leaders. Active efforts are underway to secure funding to support the symposium and related activities.

See also: Brisbane Timeline to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of WWII in the Pacific