The Tarin Kowt Memorial, located in Corinda, Queensland, is a bronze replica of the original memorial wall from Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. It honors the men and women from various nations who served in Uruzgan Province, listing the names of 114 coalition soldiers who lost their lives there, including 40 Australians.

Monument Australia

Among those commemorated are Dutch soldiers who served alongside Australian and other coalition forces. The Netherlands played a significant role in Uruzgan Province, with their main military base, Camp Holland, situated in Tarin Kowt. Dutch forces were instrumental in reconstruction efforts and security operations in the region.

Australian War Memorial

The original memorial in Tarin Kowt was dismantled and buried prior to the withdrawal of Australian troops, as it was deemed too large to transport back to Australia. This decision, made under Defence Chief General David Hurley, sparked controversy and led to petitions advocating for the memorial’s preservation.


In response, a bronze replica was installed at the Croll Memorial Precinct in Corinda, dedicated on August 15, 2014. This replica ensures that the sacrifices of all coalition soldiers, including those from the Netherlands, are honored and remembered in Australia.

Monument Australia

The memorial stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts and shared sacrifices of international forces in Afghanistan, providing a place for reflection and remembrance of those who served and fell in Uruzgan Province.

The Dutch Names on the monument:

Lt.KolJanvan TwistJan van Twist (
SgtBartvan BoxtelBart van Boxtel (
Kap.VlgColin MichaelDonkervoortColin Michael Donkervoort (
SgtWillemDijkstraWillem Dijkstra (
Sgt1Robert GeorgeDonkersRobert George Donkers (
KplLeonard Cornelis SebastiaanStrikLeonard Cornelis Sebastiaan Strik (
Sld1Timo AntonSmeehuijzenTimo Anton Smeehuijzen (
SMJoseph Maria BernardLeunissenJoseph Maria Bernard Leunissen (
ElntTom Antonius WilhelmusKristTom Antonius Wilhelmus Krist (
Sgt1Martijn RendertRosierMartijn Rendert Rosier (
Sld1Tim RobertHooglandTim Robert Hoogland (
Kpl1RonaldGroenRonald Groen (
Sld1Wesley EmmanuelScholWesley Emmanuel Schol (
KplAldert GeertPoortemaAldert Geert Poortema (
ElntDennisvan UhmDennis van Uhm (
Sld1MarkSchouwinkMark Schouwink (
Sld1Josten BrinkeJos ten Brinke (
SgtMarkWeijdtMark Weijdt (
Sld1AzdinChadliAzdin Chadli (
KplKevin A.R.van de RijdtKevin A.R. van de Rijdt (
SMMark Joseph WillemLeijsenMark Joseph Willem Leijsen (
Marn1Marc AlbertHardersMarc Albert Harders (
KplJeroen MichielHouwelingJeroen Michiel Houweling (
KplLucJanzenLuc Janzen (
Lt.Kol (R)Alphonsus Hubertus MariaDurAlphonsus Hubertus Maria Dur (

Report on the visit of the Defence Attaché for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Australia and New Zealand, Colonel P.A. (Peter) Burgerhout EMSD to the Tarin Kowt Memorial (in Dutch).