Marike Jager, a renowned Dutch singer-songwriter, embarks on her first Australian tour. Her journey with music began while backpacking through Australia as a teenager, where she learned to play the guitar and gathered experiences that continue to inspire her creative works.

Now, 25 years later, Marike returns to Australia as a seasoned artist. Known as a weaver of stories, her music blends intimacy and playfulness, drawing inspiration from legends like The Beatles, Fiona Apple, and the whimsical Tim Burton.

Her accolades include multiple Edison Award nominations, a stint as a guitarist in a Sam Smith video, and collaborations with Grammy-winning producer Tchad Blake (known for his work with Tom Waits, Sheryl Crow, and Crowded House). Marike has also worked on unique projects, such as a duet with Canadian songwriter Ron Sexsmith and performances with hip-hop dancer Shailesh Bahoran.

15/2   Melbourne, House of Orange

21/2   Bacchus Marsh (private livingroom concert)

tba    Concert in Nojee

tba    Concert in Orbost

8/3.   Sydney, Marble Bar
16/3  Brisbane, It’s Still A Secret

Music videos
Like you (music box version)
‘Come Together ‘ live at De Wereld Draait Door
San Diego