DutchCare Ltd formed on the 1st October 1996, an amalgamation of Avondrust Incorporated,(1974) Dutch Australian Community Action Incorporated (1984) and the Holland Australian Retirement Foundation Incorporation(1971).
In 2016 the organisation changed their name to MiCare to reflect the focussing on all migrant groups rather than just the Dutch – MiCare = Migrant Care and on 1st July in 2016 they merged with the New Hope Foundation and started their work with new and emerging ethnic communities.
MiCare and the Netherlands Retirement Village Association Queensland (NRVAQ) merged on the 1 July 2017. This follows a long association between the two organisations which spans more than 10 years.
In 2018 they merged with Dutch Australian Community Centre in Sunshine.
With thanks to Petra Neeleman
Petra Neeleman
See also