Ype is the President of the Associated Netherlands Societies in Victoria; a position he has held for 29 years. He worked for 32 years with the Gas & Fuel Corporation, during which time he held several management positions and set up a training school in Victoria for technical and non-technical training of personnel. Ype has taught at TAFE colleges on a part time basis in leadership training courses and focused on multi-cultural and ethnic issues.
Ype was born in the Netherlands on: 11 January 1934
In the Dutch Community Ype has been involved in the Association for 24 years. In this position he manages and coordinates the activities of all member organisations in Victoria; liases with Australian and Dutch authorities, ministries and other ethnic communities. He was also one of the founding members of the Dutch Australian Heritage Centre.
He joined the DutchCare Board December 1996
In 1998 Ype was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his community work and in 1988 Ype was awarded the “Order of Oranje Nassau” by HM Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands for his work with Dutch Migrants and ageing migrants. In 1985 he was appointed as a honorary part-time Commissioner with the Ethnic Affairs Commission in Victoria and served 8 years in the position during which time he advised on social, cultural, educational, industrial and other issues affecting ethnic communities.
Ype passed away on 13 June 2023.
SBS Dutch Radio: Ype de Bruin dies at age 89: “Ype was very important in the Dutch community”