Dutch-Australian Society ‘Abel Tasman” and the tulip festival
BLUE GUM, TULIP & SPRING FESTIVALS From the newsletter of the DAS (Dutch-Australian Society), the Tasman Telegraphs, I have noted the following:[reporting of events the DAS usually lacked pertinent details, as if these facts were common knowledge. In some years there was simply no report. Below is not a selection, Read more…
Timeline Abel Tasman 1642
The Dutch seafarer, Abel Tasman, is recognised as the first European to land, in December 1642, on the island that now bears his name. In the last 50 to 60 years, thousands of Dutch settlers and their descendants have been making a rich contribution to Tasmanian society. Dutch heritage in Read more…
Tasmanian Architect Dirk Bolt
In October 1951 Dirk Bolt migrated from his native Groningen, the Netherlands, to Kingston, Tasmania, Australia, where he married Guusje (Kusha) van der Laan in January 1953. In 1964 they moved to Canberra. From 1971 onward, they moved to various places in response to a series of international appointments Read more…
Dutch migrants in Penguin, Tasmania
Below is a short summary by Kees Wierenga of the book by Liz Nickols. Names are in alpha order. Copies of the book are available from liz.nickols@gmail.com. Details noted below, especially regarding who is still alive and or where some people are living, was accurate in 2013. The summary below Read more…
Dutch settlers in Ulverstone, Tasmania
Fair Dinkum Dutch Courage Compiled by Elizabeth Nickols (27 families) Excerpts (and some additional notation by Kees Wierenga)Brandsema, Wilko (Bill) and Hendrikje (Hennie) nee Wind(pp.1 – 9, 20 photos) Wilko was born in 1910 in Stadskanaal, the son of a baker. Hennie was born a year later, her father a Read more…