Due to changing times and ageing volunteers, and lack of interest amongst the next generation, the Dutch-Australian Society ‘Abel Tasman” (DAS) faded away in the years 2012 – 2015. The strength and commitment to be involved in community events waned. Sinterklaas decided it was too far to come. However, the website of the DAS was seen as a valuable resource. An effort was made to keep this viable, but enthusiasm was difficult to find. Eventually it was reconstructed under a new name – “The Dutch Tasmanian Connection”. It became the repository of Dutch Tasmanian history, albeit on a very small scale. Kees and Irene Wierenga persevered for many years, and attempted to establish a supporting organisation to build the work. This came to nought. To ensure continuity and succession of the record , and to reach a wider audience, it was resolved to join with the strength of the DACC. All the articles are grouped together under the categorie Dutch Tasmanian Connection“
One thing remains, to the pleasure of many old members and their families and friends. ROOKWORST. With thanks to member Arnold Krieg, the DAS established a rookworst recipe with Ziggy, a local smallgoods manufacturer. The arrangement still stands, and the recipe has been tweaked to perfection. Every autumn, Kees and Irene negotiate a price with Ziggy, then advise the members. To keep the price low, the rookworst are made as ±100g, 25mm diam. straight pieces – Easy to pack away in the freezer. Members advise their requirements – up to 6kg for some families – and the requests are collated. Ten days later, Kees & Irene switch on the revolving door of their house, as members drop in to collect their orders. Het kan heel gezellig worden.