H.M. Koemans, Australië op het eerste gezicht…. en…. bij nader inzien. Hoorn: West-Friesland, [1954]. Translated in English in 1955 by Peter H. Waite and titled: Australia at first glance…. and…. on closer inspection.

Hendrik Marinus Koemans was born in 1907 in the Netherlands. He was a journalist and writer and worked for the Dutch newspaper Het Parool.

He visited Australia in 1954 and wrote a travelogue about his experiences. He died in 1975.

In the book: The History of Dutch Travel Writing the author Michiel van Kempen describes Koemans as a “talented journalist and writer” who “produced a number of well-received travelogues.”

Australië op het eerste gezicht…. en…. bij nader inzien is divided into two parts. The first part, “Australia at first glance,” describes Koemans’ initial impressions of Australia. He writes about the country’s geography, history, people, and culture.

The second part, “Australia on closer inspection,” provides a more in-depth look at Australia. Koemans writes about the country’s economy, politics, and social problems. He also shares his personal thoughts and observations about Australia.

We have not been able to find any more info on the book or his author. Any assistance is welkom.

Categories: Literature