‘Aan de rand der wereld. Een Hollandse emigrant in Australië’ with a foreword written by B.W. Haveman, Regeringscommissaris voor de Emigratie (Government Commissioner for Emigration) was published in Dokkum by Schaafsma & Brouwer in 1953. The book is written by Jan D. Rempt, a Dutch journalist who immigrated to Australia in 1951.

The book is a personal account of his experiences and observations as a Dutch immigrant in Australia, covering topics such as the reasons for emigration, the challenges and opportunities of adapting to a new country and culture, the living and working conditions of immigrants, and the role of the Dutch community and organizations in Australia.

The book also includes a map of Australia and a preface by B.W. Haveman, the Commissioner for Emigration of the Dutch government. The book was published in 1953 by Schaafsma & Brouwer, a publishing house based in Dokkum, a town in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands.

Jan Rempt became the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Dutch-Australian weekly newspaper De Nieuwe Wereld, which was published in Australia from 1955 to 1961. He was also a strong advocate for equal rights for naturalised Australians (immigrants) in collaboration with Dr. Cornelis Wouters, a champion of Dutch culture. They successfully campaigned for the abolition of discrimination against immigrants in the Australian Citizenship Act and the Australian Musicians’ Union. Jan Rempt was one of the pioneers of the Dutch community in Australia, and he helped to preserve and promote Dutch language and culture in Australia through his newspaper.

Bibliotheek online

De Nederlandse immigrant in Australië

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