Regeringscommissaris voor de Emigratie, Bureau Onderzoekingen, Annulering van emigratie. Een onderzoek bij 500 Australië-units naar de redenen, waarom zij van emigratie afzagen. ’s-Gravenhage: Regeringscommissaris voor de Emigratie, Bureau Onderzoekingen, 1959.
This is a title of a report published in 1959 by the Regeringscommissaris voor de Emigratie, Bureau Onderzoekingen (Government Commissioner for Emigration, Research Office), which was a Dutch government agency responsible for overseeing and facilitating emigration from the Netherlands after World War II. The report is about a survey conducted among 500 Australië-units (Australia units), which were groups of emigrants who had registered for emigration to Australia but later cancelled their plans. The report aimed to investigate the reasons why they decided not to emigrate, and to provide recommendations for improving the emigration process and policy. The report is written in Dutch and has 20 pages with illustrations1.
The report is part of the Dutch emigration literature with regard to Australia, which includes various publications by government officials, researchers, journalists, and emigrants themselves. These publications document the history, experiences, and challenges of Dutch emigration to Australia, which peaked in the 1950s and 1960s. According to the first search result the Dutch consulates in Australia kept a detailed registration of these emigrants through emigration cards, which contain information such as name, date of birth, departure date, arrival date, and place of destination. These emigration cards are now archived at the Nationaal Archief (National Archive) in The Hague and can be accessed online through an index.