Media Release

After similar events in Sydney and Melbourne, an orange wave hit the inner-city bicycle paths in Brisbane on Sunday morning the 21st of November. Some 70 recreational bicycle fans, kids included came along for the ride. People had dressed themselves up as well as their bikes in orange and made the event a real spectacle.
In this way the Dutch wanted to assist Brisbane Council in promoting their excellent bicycle ways through the city.
The group was led by the Honorary Consul of the Netherlands Marjon Wind and the President of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce Queensland (DCCQ) Ralph Vossenberg. The journey was about 10 km, which and took about 45 minutes. Afterwards there was coffee with Dutch treats such as apple and almond cakes.
People interested to be kept up to date with future events can registrate their names with the DCCQ
Ralph Vossenberg
mobile: 0411 035 015