Book: Toen wij uit Nederland vertrokken – 1983

Nelly de Rijk-Zaat, ‘Toen wij uit Nederland vertrokken’. Ervaringen van Nederlandse emigranten in Australië. ’s-Gravenhage: Katholieke Vereniging van Ouders en Familieleden van Geëmigreerden, [1983] This is a book that contains the experiences of Dutch emigrants in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, South Africa and France. The book is edited by Read more…

Book: “Australië – 1968

Rohan Rivett, Australië, [vert. van: Australia. London: Oxford University Press, 1968, door J.N.H. Gevers Leuven-Dijkstra]. Nijkerk: Callenbach, 1969 is a book that provides an overview of Australia’s history, geography, culture and society. It covers topics such as Australia’s physical features, climate, flora and fauna, population, economy and history The book Read more…