Dutch Identity and Assimilation in Australia: an interpretative approach (thesis)

A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the Australian National University by Wendy Walker-Birckhead – July, 1988 Abstract This ethnographic study examines Dutch identity and assimilation in Australia. Historically, Dutch migrants have been regarded as a highly assimilated group who, upon arrival in Australia, willingly abandoned Read more…

Abraham Crijnssen – Dutch minesweeper in the service of the Australian Navy (WWII)

The ship was built during the 1930s, she was based in the Netherlands East Indies when Japan attacked at the end of 1941. After the Japanese invasion the ship left for Australia. For its escape the ship was painted in camouflage colours and the ship was disguised as a tropical island with the help of nets, branches, and other greenery. It arrived in Geraldton. Here the ship served as a patrol vessel until 16 August 1942. After that the ship was in service with the Australian Navy.