Book: Vertrek by Keith Paulusse

Vertrek is a lively, wide-ranging social biography about fifteen postwar Australian-Dutch families, taking central stage is the Paulusse family. Candidly narrated by Kees Paulusse, the son of Dutch immigrants to Melbourne in the early sixties, this chronicles the family’s adventure and his own perceptions and experience. Vertrek begins on November Read more…

Book: The Dutch Down Under

The celebrations of the first 400 years of relations between The Commonwealth of Australia and The Kingdom of The Netherlands in 2006 marked a very special and important event for both countries. The shared relationship between the two countries was first established in 1606, when the Dutch vessel Duyfken mapped Read more…

Book: Marooned: The Wreck of the Vergulde Draeck and the Abandonment and Escape from the Southland of Abraham Leeman in 1658 by James A Henderson

The Vergulde Draeck sailed from the Netherlands bound for Batavia. The ship foundered in 1656 at Ledge Point, near the mouth of Moore River, leaving 68 survivors stranded. In 1658, two ships were sent to attempt a rescue. Aboard one of the ships, the Waeckende Boey, was officer-navigator Abraham Leeman van Santwits. This Read more…

Dutch Women in Australia

In this paper Dr. Nonja Peters explores the manner in which Dutch women, who left the Netherlands at various times during the postwar period, negotiated and carved out an ‘identity’ and satisfied their need for a sense of belonging in Australia. The interpretation derives its conclusions from oral history interview Read more…