Dutch Clubs
In 2024, the Dutch population in Geelong comprises of 1400 people. In the early 1950’s they established the Geelong Dutch Club, which has since grown to 10 active Dutch clubs servicing the Geelong Region, they are:
• Swallows Karnival Club
• The Rocket Club
• Micare/ Dutchcare
• 50 plus Club
• Dutch Women’s Club
• Corio Card Club
• Geelong Card Club
• Dutch Choir: The Oranje Singers
• Dutch Carpet Bowls
• Geelong Dutch Clubs Inc

Source: Communities in Geelong
Dutch population statistics
In 2021, 0.5% of the City of Greater Geelong’s total population was born in the Netherlands compared to 0.2% in Greater Melbourne.
While the City of Greater Geelong had a higher proportion of persons born in the Netherlands it is important to note that this varied across the Region. Proportions ranged from a low of 0.2% in Rural North to a high of 0.8% in North Geelong – Rippleside. The five areas with the highest percentages were:
• North Geelong – Rippleside (0.8%)
• Newcomb – Moolap (0.8%)
• Corio (0.7%)
• Drysdale – Bellarine (0.7%)
• Rural Bellarine Peninsula (0.7%)
Source: City of Greater Geelong – People born in the Netherlands
Dutch Specialists For 58m. Shell Plant At Geelong
Newspaper article: Canberra Times Tuesday 29 July 1952, page 2 (Source: Trove)
From 200 to 300 Dutch specialist workers would be flown from Holland to work on the Shell Company’s £8,000,000 refinery to be built at Geelong, the construction chief of the project, Mr, Paul Jesse, said to-day. He said they would work with Australians, and fly home after about two years, when the re-finery was expected to be completed. Mr. Jesse said that Shell would build a £220,000 hostel in which Dutch and Australian workers will share quarters. Only 20 families will come out with the Dutch workers. Most of them will be single. The refinery is being constructed at the old seaplane base, five miles north of Geelong. It is exported to produce 22 million gallons of petrol a year. Mr. Jesse, a Melbourne trained Netherlands East Indies airman, will be manager of the job for the 25-year-old Dutch engineering company, Werkspoor’s. |
Building company Peeman from Rotterdam was contracted by the Housing Committee to set up office in Geelong and build houses for the Dutch migrants, most of them were build in the suburbs of Norlane and Corio. In 1961, 19% of the people living in Corio were Dutch (Source Commonwealth Census 1961).
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