If you’re searching for information about family members or friends who migrated to Australia and lived in hostels after World War Two, Dr. Karen Agutter has compiled a guide to help navigate state and national archives.

Getting started

Tracing migrant hostel records can be challenging, but Australia’s archives and libraries hold valuable resources. While no single comprehensive record exists, various collections contain details about arrivals, hostel placements, and migrant experiences.

Where to look

  • National Archives of Australia (NAA): Passenger lists, immigration case files, and hostel administration records.
  • State Archives and Libraries: May hold hostel-specific records, oral histories, and government correspondence.
  • Trove (National Library of Australia): Newspaper articles, photographs, and personal stories related to migrant hostels.
  • Local historical societies: Some hostels are well-documented in local archives or community projects.

Getting help

Archive staff can assist with searches and provide guidance on accessing restricted files. Many institutions also run research workshops, such as Shake Your Family Tree, to help people explore their heritage.

Further resources

A list of relevant publications and online resources on Australia’s migrant hostels is available at the end of the guide.
