Allies in a Bind – Australia and the Netherlands East Indies in the Second World War

Early in Roger Bell’s book Unequal Allies,he states: ”Relations between the governments of Australia and the United States underwent fundamental   changes during 1941-46…Indeed it was not characterized by general bilateral accord on political, defence and economic matters during war time.” These comments can be equally applied to the Dutch/Australian wartime Read more…

80th commemoration – Darwin bombing, part of the Japanese invasion of Netherlands East Indies.

A little-known fact is that the bombing of Darwin (19-2-1942) was part of the battle of Netherlands East Indies (NEI – now Indonesia). The Japanese wanted to get control of the rich oil fields of this country that counted for 25% of the global oil production. At this point in time the war against the Japanese invasions was undertaken by the ABDA Allied Forces (Americans, British, Dutch and Australians).