First Dutch contacts in Australia – Cape York and Torres Strait 1606 to 1643

RELATING TO: The Voyage of the Duyfken – Willem Janszoon (Master) and Jan Lodewijkszoon van Rosingeyn (Supercargo) , West Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, 1606. Documentary Sources other than original Journals Recording Navigator: J Carstenszoon 1623, taken from:“Summary abstract of the Journal of the … voyage of discovery … with the yachts Pera and Read more…

Links to declassified WWII Australian Documents re the Netherlands East Indies

Researched by Ruby Todorovski, researcher at the University of Queensland. Source: National Archives of Australia. Netherlands East Indies Commission for Australia and New Zealand Netherlands East Indies Government-in-Exile in Australia (1944-1946) Netherlands Forces in Australia WWII Evacuees from Netherlands East Indies recuperating in Australia after WWII Migration and Repatriation issues Read more…