Marijke van Faassen is a Dutch historians who has been involved in several research projects and publications related to migration history.
Marijke is a senior researcher at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, and has a specialisation in (digital) scholarly editing. She has worked on various topics such as constitutional amendments, post-war emigration from the Netherlands, and Dutch emigrants to Australia and their cultural heritage. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Groningen in 2014.
Together with Marlou Schrover, professor of migration history at Leiden University, she has written extensively on gender, ethnicity, religion and class in migration processes. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Migration History.
One of their joint publications is a special issue on Dutch overseas migration in the nineteenth and twentieth century, which appeared in the Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis in 2010. In this issue, they explore the themes of invisibility, selectivity and government policy in relation to Dutch emigration to the USA, Canada and Australia. They also compare the different contexts and outcomes of migration from one country of origin to several destinations over time. They argue that Dutch emigrants were often invisible in their host societies, either because they formed separate communities or because they assimilated quickly. They also show that migration was highly selective according to religion, class, ethnicity and gender, and that government policy only played a significant role in the twentieth century, especially after 1945.

See also:
Polder en emigratie: Het Nederlandse emigratiebestel in internationaal perspectief 1945-1967
Dutch immigration to Australia, history, stats and other resources
Dutch emigration literature with regard to Australia 1946 – 1992