Allies in a Bind – Australia and the Netherlands East Indies in the Second World War

Early in Roger Bell’s book Unequal Allies,he states: ”Relations between the governments of Australia and the United States underwent fundamental   changes during 1941-46…Indeed it was not characterized by general bilateral accord on political, defence and economic matters during war time.” These comments can be equally applied to the Dutch/Australian wartime Read more…

Consuls, Envoys and Ambassadors of the Netherlands in Australia since 1853

Pierre van der Eng, Australian National University It took until 1951 for The Netherlands to establish diplomatic representation in Australia in the form of an accredited ambassador. Depending on the issue, bilateral diplomatic matters were dealt with through the Dutch embassy in London until the 1940s, either through British public Read more…

Batavia research at Flinders University Archaeology

Research by Domínguez-Delmás Daly and Flinders Associate Professor Wendy van Duivenvoorde, is carried out on Batavia’s wreck timbers, currently on display at the Western Australian Shipwrecks Museum in Fremantle. Built in Amsterdam in 1628 CE and wrecked on its maiden voyage in June 1629 CE in Western Australian waters, Batavia epitomises Dutch East India Read more…

Interview with Anthropologist Ad Borsboom

The interview (podcast) below is in in Dutch Profile Professor Ad Borsboom *Anthropologist; Research area: Aboriginal Australia. *Chair Pacific Studies Radboud University Nijmegen. *Teaching experience at all levels in Anthropology. *Publications for both scientific and general audiences (books, chapters in books, articles), editorials. See f.e. ‘De Clan van de Wilde Read more…