De Nederlandse gemeenschap in het sociale leven van Australia – 1958
The Dutch community in social life in Australia.
The Dutch community in social life in Australia.
Dr. Cornelius Wouters is most likely the internationally most awarded Dutch-Australian. He was awarded the Knighthood in the Order of Oranje-Nassau. He also received the Silver Anjer from the Prins Bernhard Fonds in 1976 for his contribution to the preservation and promotion of Dutch culture in Australia. The Silver Anjer Read more…
Ype is the President of the Associated Netherlands Societies in Victoria; a position he has held for 29 years. He worked for 32 years with the Gas & Fuel Corporation, during which time he held several management positions and set up a training school in Victoria for technical and non-technical Read more…
Dr. Henk Overberg was a Senior Lecturer, School of Australian and International Studies at Deakin University, Melbourne and an academic researcher at Victoria College, Melbourne. He specialised in ethnic research and researched the history and culture of the Dutch community in Victoria, Australia. He is the author of several publications relevant the Read more…
The earlier Dutch migrants that arrived in the late 1940’s had made several attempts to establish Dutch clubs in WA, such as the Dirck Hartogh Society and the Australian Dutch League, but these all folded after a short while. But during the early 1950’s the Dutch migrants arrived in larger Read more…
Dr. Cornelis Wouters was the founder of the Dutch Folk Dance Group, a group of over 30 enthusiastic Dutch immigrants (later joined by Australians who married Dutch immigrants). They performed folkloric dances at charitable association gatherings. No other group could boast such original national costumes, as all Dutch regional costumes Read more…
The long Dutch relationship with Southeast Brisbane began during World War II, when in 1942 the Americans established Camp Columbia in Wacol, Brisbane to stop the Japanese advance in the Southwest Pacific. The camp became the staging ground for the American campaign, covering an area of 20 by 15 square Read more…
Melkkoeien en zuivel in Nederlands-Australische emigratieliteratuur, 1945-1965 This is the original article by Prof. Ton van Kalmthout with graphics, pictures and source references in Dutch. Below that is a PDF of the article’s English translation. Author: Professor dr. A.B.G.M. (Ton) van Kalmthout – senior-onderzoeker Literatuurgeschiedenis | Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Read more…
Sunrise Choral Society was a Dutch choral group that formed in Blacktown in 1959 under the name “Morgenrood”. Initially their repertoire was purely Dutch., however they became increasingly more anglicised. They held an International Festival of Song, Dance, and Music in 1976 as a fundraiser for the Blacktown Hospital. Other Read more…